- Vocabulary games for "Fernsehen" vocab
- Gap-exercise in sentences about pros and cons of TV
- Gap-exercise reading text about effects of TV
- Adjectives to describe movies (gap-exercise by Ed Curtis)
- Talking about various films (quiz game by Ed Curtis)
- Sehen junge Menschen heutzutage zu viel fern? (Lückentext - Artikel vom Schüler Andrew, 2002)
- KinoWeb. Information on current films and films of the past.
- Kino News Online
- Films: "Grease" (support materials for 1999 AGTV film-screening in German)
- Internet-Quellen zur deutschsprachigen Massen- und Medienkultur: Film, Funk, Fernsehen, Musik, und Presse (A. Lixl-Purcell)
- Südwest Rundfunk (Nachrichten, Radio, Fernsehen), broadcaster in the south-west of Germany
- Deutsche Welle (Germany's international broadcaster)
Compiled by D Nutting