German Quizzes on Descriptions
- German adjectives for describing personal appearance - a Quizlet set.
- Gap-filling quiz: sentences with German descriptions of people's appearance (@ Quia)
- German adjectives for describing personality - a Quizlet set.
- Adjectives games (personality - vocab matching, adjectives group #1 and group #2)
- Adjectives quiz, appearance and personality, "Was passt nicht?" / which is the odd one out?
- Adjectives for describing personality - gap-filling exercise #1 in several sentences.
- Adjectives for describing personality - gap-filling exercise #2 in several sentences
- Adjectives to describe people (a Quizlet set created by 'kctaurus' - both personality and appearance)
- Characteristics (Eigenschaften) - vocab matching quiz (von Carolyn Thompson)
- Adjectives games (personality) using Task Magic. Get for yourself the student "home use only" free version of Task Magic Play, called TMPlayHome (designed for installation on Windows computers), then grab from here adjectives file #1 and adjectives file #2 (two groups of adjectives).
[Photo by yns plt on Unsplash]