Verbs - the Imperative Form
Forms of the imperative
The imperative is the form of the verb which you use when you tell someone to do something, e.g. "Make your bed!", "Go away".
The imperative is often written with an exclamation mark in German.
There are three ways of saying 'you' in German:
a du (to another young person or a relative, or to a pet, or praying to a god)
b ihr (to two or more young people or relatives - "you folks/guys")
c Sie (to one or more adults; an adult stranger; someone in a position of authority).
There are therefore three different types of imperative, depending on which German word for 'you' would be used to that person or people:
The du imperative is the du part of the verb minus its -st ending:
du kommst ⇨ komm! (Come!)
du bleibst ⇨ bleib! (Stay!)
👉 Verbs with an infinitive ending in -den, -len, -nen, -ten and -cken tend to keep a final -e:
finde / wähle / zeichne / warte / entdecke
👉 Verbs that have a vowel change in the du form, keep this in the imperative:
nehmen ⇨ du nimmst ⇨ Nimm die Katze! (Take the cat!)
sehen ⇨ du siehst ⇨ Sieh Seite 47! (See page 47)
👉 Verbs which add an Umlaut in the du form, do NOT keep it in the imperative:
schlafen ⇨ du schläfst ⇨ schlaf!
fahren ⇨ du fährst ⇨ fahr!
The ihr imperative is simply the ihr form of the verb:
ihr kommt ⇨ kommt!
ihr nehmt ⇨ nehmt!
ihr schlaft ⇨ schlaft!
The Sie imperative is the Sie form of the verb, with the order of the two words reversed:
Sie kommen ⇨ Kommen Sie!
Sie nehmen ⇨ Nehmen Sie!
Sie schlafen ⇨ Schlafen Sie!
Special things to note
Imperatives of separable verbs
aufstehen ⇨ Steh auf! / Steht auf! / Stehen Sie auf! (Stand up!)
The prefix of a separable verb goes, as usual, to the end of that part of the sentence:
aufräumen ⇨ Räum dein Zimmer auf! (Clear up your room)
mitkommen ⇨ Herr Schmidt! Kommen Sie jetzt bitte mit! (Mr Schmidt! Please come with me now.)
Imperatives of reflexive verbs
These keep their reflexive pronouns in the imperative: sich setzen (= to sit down) ⇨ Setz dich / Setzt euch / Setzen Sie sich
An important exception to these rules is the verb sein (to be). Its imperatives are: sein ⇨
du ⇨ Sei ...!
ihr ⇨ Seid ...!
Sie ⇨ Seien Sie ...!
e.g. "Hey Max, sei nicht so doof!" (Don't be so silly)
Imperative - intro by CaryAcademy