German Pronouns
What are they?
case | I | you1 | he | she | it | we | you2 | you3 | they |
Nom. | ich | du | er | sie | es | wir | ihr | Sie | sie |
Acc. | mich | dich | ihn | sie | es | uns | euch | Sie | sie |
Dat. | mir | dir | ihm | ihr | ihm | uns | euch | Ihnen | ihnen |
The order of ACCUSATIVE and DATIVE in a German sentence
Note 1]: The dative object will always come before the accusative object.
Note 2]: If the accusative object is a pronoun, it will always be before the dative object.
1] “Gib dem Pferd die Karotte!” (Give the horse the carrot.)
1] “Gib ihm die Karotte!” (Give (to) him the carrot.)
2] “Gib es ihm!” (Give it to him.)
2] “Das Buch? Ich habe es ihr gegeben!” (The book? I have given it to her.)
Pronouns ihn / sie / es (saying "it") - multiple-choice gap-fill (direct object - Accusative case) (D Nutting)
Was ist mit Lukas los? - Ein Gespräch zwischen drei Freunden (D Nutting)
Deutsche Pronomen + Dativ - multiple-choice gap-fill (D Nutting)
![Wahlplakat: Pronomen Nominativ und Akkusativ [Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Wahlplakat mit Pronomen]](../../images/pron-euch-01-600.jpg)
An example of pronouns Nominative and Accusative: "He (is) for you" (an election campaign poster in Austria)
![Friseursalon: Pronomen Akkusativ [Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Friseursalon, Name mit Pronomen]](../../images/pron-sieihn-500.jpg)
An example of pronouns Accusative: "For her and him" (hair salon in Germany)
![Wahlplakat: Pronomen Dativ [Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Wahlplakat mit Pronomen]](../../images/pron-uns-01-600.jpg)
An example of pronoun Dative: "Not with us" (an election campaign poster in Austria)
![Werbebroschüre: Pronomen Dativ [Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Werbebroschüre mit Pronomen]](../../images/pron-uns-02-600-(0688).jpg)
An example of pronoun Dative: "Follow us on YouTube" - the German verb 'folgen' takes a Dative object, uns... (an advertising leaflet of a supermarket chain in Switzerland)