German Pronouns

What are they?

German pronouns: their forms in the Nominative, Accusative and Dative cases
case I you1 he she it we you2 you3 they
Nom. ich du er sie es wir ihr Sie sie
Acc. mich dich ihn sie es uns euch Sie sie
Dat. mir dir ihm ihr ihm uns euch Ihnen ihnen
Reminder: saying "you"
to address one person whom you know well; a friend, another student, young people in general, a pet, praying to God
to two or more people you know well
to one or more people older than you or who are in a position of authority

The order of ACCUSATIVE and DATIVE in a German sentence

Note 1]: The dative object will always come before the accusative object.

Note 2]: If the accusative object is a pronoun, it will always be before the dative object.


1] “Gib dem Pferd die Karotte!” (Give the horse the carrot.)

1] “Gib ihm die Karotte!” (Give (to) him the carrot.)

2] “Gib es ihm!” (Give it to him.)

2] “Das Buch? Ich habe es ihr gegeben!” (The book? I have given it to her.)


Pronouns ihn / sie / es (saying "it") - multiple-choice gap-fill (direct object - Accusative case) (D Nutting)

Was ist mit Lukas los? - Ein Gespräch zwischen drei Freunden (D Nutting)

Deutsche Pronomen + Dativ - multiple-choice gap-fill (D Nutting)

[Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Wahlplakat mit Pronomen]

An example of pronouns Nominative and Accusative: "He (is) for you" (an election campaign poster in Austria)

[Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Friseursalon, Name mit Pronomen]

An example of pronouns Accusative: "For her and him" (hair salon in Germany)

[Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Wahlplakat mit Pronomen]

An example of pronoun Dative: "Not with us" (an election campaign poster in Austria)

[Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Werbebroschüre mit Pronomen]

An example of pronoun Dative: "Follow us on YouTube" - the German verb 'folgen' takes a Dative object, uns... (an advertising leaflet of a supermarket chain in Switzerland)