A list of German adjectives for describing people's appearance
»Wie sieht dein Freund aus?«
»Er sieht gut aus. Er ist mittelgroß und stabil, und hat blaue Augen.«
Ich sehe cool aus = I look cool / Du siehst cool aus = You look cool / Sie sieht cool aus = She looks cool / Wir sehen cool aus = We look cool / Ihr seht cool aus = You (plural) look cool / Sie sehen cool aus = You (formal) look cool / sie sehen cool aus = they look cool...
This list of adjectives is alphabetical in two columns. You can search this page for a specific adjective or phrase by using the combination of Ctrl and F on your keyboard. If you want to enter a German word that contains an Umlaut, you can copy and paste from one of these here: ä ö ü ß
This list gives two or more alternative words for some meanings. Furthermore, if you do not find an adjective you want, try the opposite form, eg sportlich/unsportlich.
hellbraune Haare = light-brown hair
schwarze Haare = black hair
braune Haare = brown hair
blonde Haare = blond hair
lange Haare = long hair
kurze Haare = short hair
glatte Haare = straight hair
wellige Haare = wavy hair
lockige Haare = curly hair
stachelige Haare = spiky hair
gefärbte Haare = dyed hair
braune Augen = brown eyes
schwarze Augen = black eyes
grüne Augen = green eyes
blaue Augen = blue eyes
große Augen = large eyes
Sie hat Sommersprossen = She has freckles
Er trägt eine Brille = He wears glasses
Er hat eine Glatze = He has a bald head
athletisch = athletic
attraktiv = attractive
blass = pale
cool = cool
dick = fat, thick
dünn = thin
elegant = elegant
energisch = energetic; assertive
fett = fatty
geheimnisvoll = mysterious, mystical
gesund = healthy
groß = big, large, tall
ziemlich groß = fairly tall
gut angezogen = well-dressed
gutaussehend = good-looking
hässlich = ugly
hübsch = handsome, pretty
klein = small, little, short
kräftig = strong, brawny, hefty
krank = sick
lang = long
mager = skinny
mittelgroß = average height
modisch = fashionable, stylish
mollig = plump, chubby
mysteriös = mysterious
riesig = gigantic
rundlich = rounded
schlank = slim
schmächtig = slender, slight; thin
schön = beautiful
sexy = sexy
sportlich = athletic
stabil = solid/well-built, sturdy
stark = strong
tot = dead
unheimlich = weird, sinister
winzig = tiny
wunderschön = beautiful, fabulous
zierlich = graceful; petite, delicate