
A list of German adjectives for describing people's personality

smiley»Der Junge dort drüben? Er heißt Peter. Ich finde ihn lustig!«

»Das Mädchen dort drüben? Sie heißt Steffi. Ich finde sie sympathisch.«

This list of adjectives is alphabetical in two columns. You can search this page for a specific adjective or phrase by using the combination of Ctrl and F on your keyboard.
If you want to enter a German word that contains an Umlaut, you can copy and paste from one of these here: ä ö ü ß

This list gives two or more alternative words for some meanings. Furthermore, if you do not find an adjective you want, try the opposite form, e.g. unhappy/happy.

[Foto (copyright: D Nutting): Schild - Warnung am Gartentor]

This warning sign at the front gate to a house in Germany claims that the dog is conscientious about its duty: "Achtung! Pflichtbewusster Hund!"

abenteuerlustig = adventurous

abergläubisch = superstitious

abhängig (von + DAT.) = dependant (on)

abweisend = unfriendly

aggressiv = aggressive

ahnungslos = clueless, innocent

aktiv = active

altmodisch = old-fashioned

ängstlich = anxious

anpassungsfähig = adaptable

anständig = decent, moral

ärgerlich = annoyed, irritated

arrogant = arrogant

ätzend (slang) = very irritating

aufgeklärt = enlightened, well-informed

aufgeregt = upset, excited

aufgeschlossen = open, open-minded

aufrichtig = sincere, honest

ausgeflippt = crazy, flipped-out

ausgeglichen = well-balanced, stable

befangen = shy, timid

begabt = talented, gifted

begeistert = excited, enthusiastic

behämmert (slang) = crazy, mad

beharrlich = persevering, persistent; dogged

behilflich = helpful

bekannt/berühmt = well-known/famous

bekloppt (slang) = crazy, loopy, mad, zany

beliebt/populär = popular

bescheiden = modest, humble, self-effacing

bescheuert (slang) = demented, crazy

besitzergreifend = possessive

bezaubernd = spellbinding, fascinating

blöd = silly, ignorant, stupid

böse = spiteful, evil, angry

boshaft = mean, spiteful

brav = well-behaved, good

chaotisch = chaotic, disorganised

charmant = charming

cool (slang) = cool

dankbar = thankful, grateful

dumm/doof = dumb

egozentrisch = self-centred

ehrgeizig = ambitious

ehrlich = honest

eifersüchtig = jealous

eigennützig = selfish

einfach = simple, plain, simply

eingebildet = conceited, arrogant, smug, vain

einmalig = unique, matchless

einsam = lonely, lonesome

eitel = vain

ekelhaft = very mean, detestable

eklig = gross, disgusting

elegant = elegant, classy

empfindlich (gegen + ACC.) = touchy, sensitive (to)

empfindsam = sensitive, feeling

energisch = energetic; assertive

engagiert = committed, dedicated

engstirnig = narrow-minded

erfolgreich = successful

ernst = serious

erstklassig = first-class

fair = fair

fantastisch = fantastic

faszinierend = fascinating

faul = lazy

feige = cowardly, fainthearted

fein = fine, refined

fest = firm, unchanging, solid
(eg ein fester Freund)

fit = fit, feeling good

fleißig = hard-working, industrious

fortschrittlich = progressive, progress-minded

frech = saucy, cheeky

freundlich = kind, friendly

froh = happy

fröhlich = cheerful, merry

fürsorglich = thoughtful, considerate

gastfreundlich = hospitable, generous

gebildet = educated, cultured; well informed

geduldig = patient

gefährlich = dangerous

gefühlvoll = full-of-feeling, sentimental

geistreich = witty, brilliant

geizig = stingy, cheap, tight

gemein = rude, low, ignorant

gemütlich = pleasant

genial = brilliant, genius

gerecht = just; fair; impartial

geschätzt = valued, dear, appreciated

gescheit = clever, skillful

geschickt (in + DAT.) or (zu + DAT.) = skillful, clever (at)

geschlossen = closed, reserved

gesprächig = chatty, talkative

geschwätzig = chatty, talkative

gesellig = sociable

gesund = healthy

gewissenhaft = conscientious

gierig = greedy

glaubwürdig = reliable, trustworthy

gleichgültig = apathetic (towards); unconcerned (about), indifferent (to >> DAT., or gegen + ACC.)

glücklich = happy, lucky

grob = coarse, rude

großzügig = generous

gut = good

gut angezogen = well-dressed

gut gelaunt = in a good mood, good-humoured

gut informiert (über + ACC.) = well informed (on)

gutmütig = good-natured

halb so... wie... = half as

halsstarrig = stubborn

hart = hard

hartnäckig = hard-headed, stubborn

häuslich = domestic, home-loving

heiter = cheerful

hell = bright, clear-headed

hemmungslos = uninhibited, unworried

herrlich = wonderful, magnificent

herzlos = heartless

hilfreich = helpful

hilfsbereit = cooperative, helpful

hinterlistig = deceitful, tricky

hochmütig = haughty, proud

hochnäsig = snobby, stuck-up

höflich = polite

hungrig = hungry

idealistisch = idealistic

impulsiv = impulsive

intellektuell = intellectual

intelligent = smart, intelligent

interessant = interesting

interessiert (an + DAT.) = interested (in)

vielseitig interessiert = being interested in many things

intolerant (gegen + ACC.) = intolerant (of)

jähzornig = irascible, in a bad temper

jung = young

kalt = cold, unfriendly

kinderlieb = fond of children

kindisch = childish, puerile, silly

kindlich = like a child, childlike

klasse/toll/super/spitze = great, super, terrific

kleinlich = petty, nitpicking, fussy

klug = clever, intelligent; smart

komisch = strange, funny, weird

kompliziert = complicated

konsequent = consistent

konservativ = conservative

kontaktfreudig = outgoing

kreativ = creative

kritisch = critical

labil = unstable, moody

langsam = slow

langweilig = boring

lässig = easy-going, laid-back

launisch = moody, ill-tempered

laut = loud

lebhaft = lively, active; cheerful

leichtsinnig = shallow; careless, reckless

leidenschaftlich = passionate, serious; enthusiastic

leise = quiet, soft

lernbegierig = eager to learn, studious

liberal = liberal, tolerant

lieb = dear, nice, kind, pleasant

liebenswürdig = kind, pleasant, genial

lustig = funny (witty, humorous)

melancholisch = melancholy, pensive

merkwürdig = unusual, strange

miserabel = miserable

misstrauisch = mistrustful, wary

mitfühlend = sympathetic

modern = modern

modisch = fashionable, stylish

moralisch = moral

munter = alert, lively, upbeat

musikalisch = musical

mutig = courageous, gutsy; daring

nachlässig = careless, slack, sloppy

naturverbunden = close to nature, fond of being outdoors

natürlich = natural, genuine

neidisch = envious

nervös = nervous

nett = nice

neugierig = curious

niedergeschlagen = depressed

niedlich = cute

normal = normal

oberflächlich = superficial, shallow

offen = open

optimistisch = optimistic

ordentlich = tidy, neat, orderly

parteiisch (für + ACC.) = partial (to)

parteiisch (gegen + ACC.) = biased, prejudiced (against)

passiv = passive

pessimistisch = pessimistic

pflichtbewusst = dutiful, conscientious

phlegmatisch = phlegmatic, calm, unemotional

pingelig = fussy, finicky

praktisch = practical

pünktlich = punctual, on time

radikal = radical, revolutionary

raffiniert = refined, elegant

rauh = rough

rebellisch = rebellious

rechthaberisch = dogmatic, know-all, always must be right

redlich = honest, sincere, has integrity

reich = rich

reif = mature

religiös = religious

richtig = correct, proper, downright

romantisch = romantic

rücksichtslos = inconsiderate, careless

rücksichtsvoll = considerate

ruhig = calm, placid, laid-back

sarkastisch = sarcastic

sauber = clean

sauer = angry, sour, cross

schick = chic, stylish

schlampig = messy, dirty

schlau = clever, tricky

schlecht = bad

schlecht gelaunt = in a bad mood, bad-humoured

schmutzig = dirty, not clean

schnell = fast

schweigsam = uncommunicative, reserved, taciturn

schüchtern = shy

schwach = weak, poor

schwerfällig = clumsy

selbstlos = unselfish

selbstsicher = self-confident

selbstständig = independent

selbstsüchtig = selfish, ego(t)istic(al)

seltsam = strange, weird

sensibel = sensitive

sicher = safe, secure, certainly

sorgenfrei, sorgenlos = carefree, free of worries

sorgfältig = careful

sparsam = thrifty, careful with money

spät = late

spontan = spontaneous

sportlich = athletic

spöttisch = mocking, making fun of

stark = strong, cool

stolz = proud

streitsüchtig = quarrelsome, loves to argue, aggressive

süß = sweet, nice

sympathisch = likable, friendly, nice

taktlos = tactless, indiscreet

taktvoll = tactful, discreet

temperamentvoll = lively, high-spirited, has much character

tierlieb = fond of animals

tollkühn = daring; foolhardy, reckless

träge = lethargic, lazy, sluggish

traurig = sad

treu = loyal, faithful

typisch = typical(ly)

übergeschnappt = crazy, too tightly wound

überschäumend = exuberant; ebullient

umweltbewusst = concerned for the environment

unabhängig (von + DAT.) = independent (of)

unartig = naughty

unbeholfen = clumsy

unbekümmert = easy-going

unbeugsam = inflexible, uncompromising

ungehorsam = disobedient

ungeschickt = clumsy

unternehmungslustig = enterprising, adventurous, keen to do things

unwiderstehlich = irresistible

verantwortlich = responsible

verantwortungsbewusst = responsible

verbissen = uptight, mean, spiteful

verdrießlich = glum, ill-humoured, annoyed

verlässlich = reliable

verlegen = embarrassed, self-conscious

vernünftig = reasonable, sensible

verrückt = crazy

vertrauenswürdig = trustworthy

verwirrt = confused

verwöhnt = pampered, spoilt (brat)

verzweifelt = in doubt, desperate

vorsichtig = careful

wahnsinnig = insane, crazy

warm = warm, friendly

warmherzig = warm hearted

widerlich = repulsive, disgusting

wild = wild

witzig = funny, smart-alecky

wortkarg = uncommunicative, reserved, taciturn

wunderbar = wonderful, great

zerstreut = absent-minded

zielstrebig = single-minded, purposeful, determined

zornig = angry

zufrieden = satisfied, content

zurückhaltend = reserved; uncommunicative; cautious

zuverlässig = dependable, reliable, trustworthy