
Allgemeines / Vokabeln

  1. Berufe (a Quizlet set, German vocab + photos)
  2. Berufe - a Quizizz covering names of occupations
  3. Berufe (vocab games with names of occupations/jobs)
  4. Hangman game - names of occupations
  5. Wer? Wo? Was? Crossword #1 / Crossword #2
  6. Zur Arbeit! (quiz, practising verbs, earning money - @ Languages Online UK)
  7. Berufe – Wer macht diese Arbeit? (Quiz)
  8. Stepstone Karriere (Stellenangebote, Jobs, Bewerbung, Praktikum, Karriere Tipps, Jobsuche)
[Photo © D Nutting] Schild vor einem Geschäft [Photo © D Nutting] Schaufenster

Eigenschaften für Berufe / personal traits for occupations

  1. Eigenschaften (für Berufe) [a Quizlet set of adjectives: characteristics for jobs/occupations, positive and negative]
  2. Berufe & Bewerbungen - a Language Perfect list
  3. Berufe und Bewerbungen (gap-filling in sentences - @ Quia)
Das »azubify« Berufe-Quiz

Answer the questions in the online quiz - Welcher Beruf passt wirklich zu Dir?

At the end it will list jobs that could be appealing to your type of person.

You could also check out the Ausbildungsberufe A-Z - the descriptive text at the beginning of each Beruf can be complex, but if you move down to Daten und Fakten then you can see quite simply-worded info about what sort of person would fit that line of work, duration of training etc.